Glowmarkt Forum
Discussion area for Glow hardware and software and for our partners that have launched apps on Glowmarkt.
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Area to discuss heat pumps and how energy data can support adoption and use.
General discussions104 discussions 447 comments Most recent: Issue Getting Historic Data from Honeywell Smart Meters by JaneAtGlow on September 23
The Glow IHD/CAD - SMETS1 and SMETS2127 discussions 461 comments Most recent: IHD not connecting to meter for over 12 hours, Bright app not getting values either by vasbim on November 30
Bright mobile app that registers hardware and presents basic data.98 discussions 229 comments Most recent: Bright redesign coming - any requests? by Miles_B on December 1
CAD device publishing MQTT data41 discussions 130 comments Most recent: where do I find the Calorific Value by Dougie on November 20
Discussions around smart tariff, smart comparison code, tools and future projects.