Issue Getting Historic Data from Honeywell Smart Meters
I wanted to create this post to highlight that there is an issue accessing Historical smart meter data (the 13-month history) from Honeywell smart meters.
It seems there is a fault with Honeywell's implementation of the DCC standards that mean consumption data is not getting forwarded onto registered DCC Other Users (of which Hildebrand is one). This is preventing people like myself from accessing our historic records via the Bright app or Glowmarkt API.
I've been made aware that this issue has been escalated with the DCC (who manage the SMETS2 infrastructure) and that they are in discussions with Honeywell.
I would hazard a guess that Honeywell didn't test compatibility with DCC Other Users fully before rollout, but with the ability for SMETS2 meters to receive firmware updates, they can hopefully rectify this issue (but who knows how long that'll be).
I'd like to add that since receiving my Glow IHD/CAD and connecting it to wifi, I have access to the full consumption history from that point forwards just not the 13-month prior history that is usually stored by the smart meter.
the meters store 30 days worth of half hourly data and 13months worth of daily register reads. the issue with the meter not returning the data will not be to do with the otheruser not being tested, as that is a DCC specific restraint, it is likley also happening with any user that tries to request data from the meter. That could be a meter specific problem, or it could be a DCC issue with the size of the message being sent. its possible if you requested the data in smaller chunks, like a week a time, you may be more succesful.
For the record - the issues is with the version of firmware on the Honeywell meters. We are seeing it less frequently now as suppliers are obliged to keep meter firmware up to date.
This is what we advise customers who have Honeywell meters and aren't getting their electricity data via Bright:
Our advice is that you need to submit a request to your supplier's Smart Meter Technical team and tell them the following (and we are a DCC Other User which is how we know about this, in case they ask):
Please could you update the firmware on my Honeywell meters so that a DCC Other User can access my consumption data. The firmware version that corrected the issue was released in November 2020 and the details are as follows:
Release details:
New Firmware Version
ASP09.01.40.09 / ASP09.02.40.09
New Firmware Version in CPL format (Hex Value) /
Has anyone had success getting Scottish Power to update their Honeywell firmware? I asked their support team to upgrade mine and they couldn't help me. They said I can just download their app to check my usage...
Hi @kk_sonata,
Sorry to hear that SP aren't making this easy - I think we've had another SP customer have success with their request. I also believe that energy suppliers are obliged to keep firmware up to date.
Did you ask for the Smart Meter Technical team? You are within your rights to raise a complaint and if that isn't dealt with satisfactorily, go to Ofgem - but hopefully you can get to someone more helpful at SP.
Best, Jane
Hi, just checking in on my Scottish Power saga in case anyone else is following. I tried calling them a few times, but got various responses from CSRs. E.g. suppliers aren't responsible for smart meter firmware upgrades, there is nothing they can do as long as my meter is sending readings, and in one case, the rep felt that 3rd parties aren't allowed to access smart meters due to privacy/security risks.
I ended up filing a formal complaint, which is now with the smart meter team. However, the complaints handler said that SP only upgrades meters in batches and has no way of upgrading a single meter on request. I did point out that the new firmware was released in 2020, and suppliers have a duty to keep meters updated. I hope to hear back from them next week, and will go to Ofgem if the complaint is unsuccessful.
Thanks for the update @kk_sonata - sorry to hear that it is such a saga. A few suppliers do this as a matter of course. Well done on keeping up the pressure - you have to be within your rights!
Hi, I'm guessing not many are following this thread but I have an update on my strange Scottish Power firmware saga.
Tldr: After following a convoluted complaint and appeals process, I've finally been informed Scottish Power has to update the smart meter.
I filed a complaint with SP in late July, and after investigating they offered to send me an IHD but refused to update the meter. I can't say they ever understood what I wanted to do or why a customer would be asking for their meter to be updated. From their perspective, as long as they could bill me for electricity they had no other responsibilities.
So I appealed that decision to Ombudsman Services. Overall SP did not take this process seriously, and their response was to basically offer the same settlement that I declined initially, plus an apology for the inconvenience. I provided references to the Smart Energy code and evidence that my meter wasn't up to date on its firmware. Ombudsman Services decided in SP's favour, but their justification didn't make sense, especially a bit where they said that DCC, not the supplier, is responsible for firmware upgrades. I had an option to appeal this decision, so I did, and surprisingly the appeals investigator has now found in my favour:
"Scottish Power are to confirm to you in writing within 28 days that your current Honeywell AS302P is running on the most up to date firmware version and to also confirm the version to you, and if it the meter is not running on the most up to date firmware version Scottish Power are to update it remotely so that it is running on the most up to date firmware version, and confirm the update and new firmware version in writing to you."
I don't quite know why I kept following this appeals process, but I hope someone finds this helpful and I'm very interested to find out whether SP will actually do what's required by the Ombudsman.
Not long after the complaint was decided in my favour, SP did in fact upgrade the meter firmware. So it's possible! 🎉
Congratulations, it's good to hear that your persistence paid off. And thank you for reporting the unfolding saga and successful outcome on this thread. The information has been extremely helpful for me, and I am sure others, who are in an identical position with other suppliers.
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I am now going through a similar process with British Gas who gave me the same excuses as SP “we don’t advise customers share their data, we don’t offer firmware updates, we’re developing an app to help you do what you want, blablabla” so I’ve raised a complaint and fully expect it to go the same route as @kk_sonata ’s did.
kk, are you able to share some information about the appeal ruling in your favour that I can use for my appeal of possible?
My complaint with British Gas has now been closed, and the response was as expected and also contained this blatant lie:
I have investigated further and can confirm that we're unable to update the meter firmware
So I’m going to have to progress this with ofgem. Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially from @kk_sonata who has successfully won this game already!
Please someone?
Hi Stuart, sorry I missed your post and DM. Once you've received the deadlock letter your next stop is Ombudsman Services. Happy to share more details of my complaint with you if it's useful. Let me look at what I wrote and DM you the highlights.
Hi kk, no problem, my complaint has been dropped by British Gas so anything you can provide me to assist with escalating this to Ofgem would be super useful, especially if there is a reference number for your appeal decision I can quote!
For information, I have just received an Ombudsman decision in my AS302P dispute with Shell Energy (same problem as others here, firmware out of date (version ASP 09.01.33), consequently DCC Other Users can't see my electricity readings, same supplier justifications for inaction). The Ombudsman found in favour of the supplier. I am considering whether to appeal. It's hard to see why this decision is consistent with the decision in the case of kk_sonata.
Ombudsmen service not fit for purpose. I was an early adopter of the glow first gen CAD and at the time had a smet 1 meter from OVO. OVO refused to connect it and after a protracted back and forth, I went to the Ombudsmen service who found in OVOs favour. I went to appealed but the decision but it was not overturned so I informed BEIS who investigated and eventually ‘pursuaded’ OVO to join my CAD to the HAN.
So don’t give up just because the Ombudsman found in favour of the supplier.
There must be quite a few of us in the same situation here, maybe we can pool our resources? Would be even better if we could get support from Bright/Loop etc as registered DCC third-parties.
I don’t think supplier handling of this is anywhere near good enough, and early-adopters like us are being penalised for helping them reach their government mandated installation targets.
Good news everyone - we are getting traction with the powers that be and have made a suggestion that there needs to be an independent, trusted resource made available to give customers with smart meters accurate guidance on their suppliers obligations, etc. We've put forward a list as a 'starter for ten' that includes the firmware updates.
In parallel, we've suggested that there is a training session for the Ombudsman and updates to their knowledge base to reflect the reality which is that, of course, the supplier has the obligation, and resources, to update the firmware on the meter.
Just noticed today that I can check the firmware version of my meter in the Bright app under settings now. Don’t know how long I’ve been able to do this for.
Had a look and it’s reporting as which was the version previously recommended by glow. Don’t know when the update was pushed to my meter as I didn’t have enough time and gave up with the process of requesting the update quite early on.
is there anyway the Glow app can indicate if we are on the latest version or when the meter was last update? Might make it easier for others to pressure companies to keep them updated.
Hi @Matthew - we have no idea what the latest versions of firmware are - as we aren't tracking the details with the DCC. It is suppliers' responsibility to monitor and manage that part of the ecosystem.
We've had firmware version in there for quite a while now - but the context of latest version is not something we publish.
Just to complete my story on this. I appealed the Ombudsman decision in favour of the supplier. The Ombudsman rejected my appeal mainly on the grounds that firmware updates are performed by a third party, not by Shell Energy, and the Ombudsman can't order a third party to do something. I don't believe this to be a valid reason - many supplier obligations are contracted to third parties, but the supplier retains responsibility. But that was the end of the road.
The good news is that since that decision my AS302P firmware has in fact been updated to, and authorised DCC Other Users can now access my electricity readings. Not sure if this is related to my complaint. I suspect not, probably just coincidental timing. Or possibly the initiative JaneAtGlow mentions above is getting results.