Rate 1 and Rate 2 values

Is it possible for the day/night rate usage values to be exposed via the MQTT interface?

I guess this will depend on if this information is actually available to IHD over ZigBee.

Currently I have to go to the meter and a sequence of buttons to access the 'TOUMaxtix' to read my 'Rate 1' and 'Rate 2' usage values.

Being able to log these even if just at the end of each day would be very helpful.




  • Anybody?

    I'd like an answer to this question too.

    Thanks, Martin

    EDMI ES-10b/GLOW-IHD-01-1v4-SMETS2/v1.9.1

  • Hello @MarkLeman and @mprowe - apologies for the lack of response. As posted on the other place you asked @MarkLeman, we tend to encourage people to use our Forum to support each other and for announcements as monitoring questions and support needs here requires more people than we have on the team at the moment.

    Your question is about the MQTT feed - if the meter has got the structure correct then the MQTT feed should be delivering it. Could you drop an email to support@glowmarkt.com from your account and we can check what is on the meter. As you know, we don't intervene in any way with the MQTT feed, it delivers what the meter reports. What we see usually is that the energy supplier just hasn't loaded the tariff onto the meter in terms of the time slots and rates - but your description implies that they have.

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