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Bright, Glow IHD does not support export at the moment. If you're lucky you may get a real-time export reading but no historic data.
Anything like this you're much better off going straight to support.
"The original plan was that smart home appliances would connect to the same Zigbee based HAN - Home Area Network that the smart meter, IHD and CAD form. I felt that requiring home appliances to implement this special type of network was unlikel…
Very late reply but this forum software is awful for seeing unread posts... The DCC stores no data it only provides the comms link between your supplier and the meter. The data is only stored in the meter and at your supplier. Your best bet is to su…
As I understand it the number in brackets is the current firmware version (same as mine) and the Age is the firmware age i.e. there are 3 later versions. No idea how you would communicate the issue with Octopus. I would suggest emailing support dire…
From my understanding the CAD displays / shows exactly what is sent by the meter, it can't do anything else. So the issue is with the meter. Do you have the supplied IHD to compare with, does it show the two rates? The other issue is which firmware …
Thanks Ian, I'm still on the original 0314B700, I could ask Octopus to update but then the update may break something else....
@ianfretwell can you post your meter software and firmware versions?
Can you do that remotely?
I would find this useful too or perhaps a topic that gives the current connection state of the CAD to the meter and signal strength? I've had a coupe of grid outages and the CAD hasn't reconnected back to the meter when the meter has powered back on…
Export is not supported by Glow.
I gave up on using or expecting the price on the IHD to reflect the truth. The IHD and Glow App reflect the prices loaded into the meter, they have no control over them, it's all down to the supplier. I have spent months and many many emails to Octo…
Sounds like an email to support..l
Late response, but the App shows what is programmed into the meter, it makes no use of the Octopus API, so if it's showing a wrong value then you need to get Octopus to resend your tariff to the meter. You can confirm this by looking at the IHD or d…
Are there any plans to support Octopus Flux?
Yup, all suppliers seem to be incapable of keeping / correcting the tariffs on smart meter. I'm with Octopus and they're just as bad. I tried to raise it with OFGEM but there doesn't appear to be anyway for consumers to be able raise general compla…
Octopus customer service has taken a nose dive over the last 6 months, I think it's a classic case of growing pains where the company has gained customers faster than it can train advisors to support them. Unfortunately there seems to be a small num…
No, the IHD (In home display) is optional, if you don't find it useful then save yourself a couple of Watts and turn it off.
I used a piece of tape to cover mine up as I don't think it can be changed.
Yes you can calculate the export figure by using a template sensor in home assistant. Sounds like you already have the local MQTT feed so you get the real-time import (+ve) and export (-ve). Then setup a template sensor which only updates when the v…
You can do what you wish with HA providing you acknowledge the delay as @RobThePowerUser states. I have the Glow CAD installed with a local MQTT feed feeding into HA which provides an update every 6-10 seconds. However that is slow compared to how q…
So my meter is EDMI ES12B - firmware 0314B700 Provides real-time import and goes negative on export. I think this is how it should operate. wish list: The IHD to work as it does now i.e. displays real-time import (negative for export) plus show cum…
I can't help but the meter should have import data going back 13 months so the data should be there. If glow support can't help then I suspect you have reached a dead end.... here's the storage spec, for info Profile Data Log A log for sto…
So I have done some detailed digging here and have now read the SMETS2 meter spec....yawn! Each meter has a randomised factor added to when it switches tariffs, from 0 to 30 minutes. I can't determine for how long this is fixed so all I can say is. …
If you turn your CAD off then I had presumed that glow would then go back to sourcing data from the meter rather than the CAD, it may take 24 hrs or more but that's something only glow can answer. Certainly If you don't have a glow CAD then data is…
Hi Janet, Not strictly answering your question but it seems that some people are reporting getting an export feed (cumulative and real-time) in their local feed (Kaifa meter) whereas others (me on EDMI) are only getting the real-time data and some …
My tariff change is 8 minutes adrift, I think it only has to be be accurate to +/- 15 minutes but not 100% sure.
If you want a definite answer you'll have to read the Zigbee smart energy profile which is what is used I believe.
I'm not an expert but the DCC is the Data Communications Company, it is responsible for connecting your smart meter and IHD but not for any data storage, I believe the data is all encrypted so it can't actually see anything. https://www.smartdcc.co.…
I had the same issue, after contacting support turned out that my supplier hadn't configured the tariffs correctly in the meter. I eventually managed to get them to correct it. However, now the price cap has come into force the tariffs are wrong aga…