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  • Thank you @EJMD - we have it high on our list! We had a full solar product ten years ago (clamp based with generation, the Shine App) - and have now got a lot of the backend functionality in place to support solar. Can you work with APIs and code? w…
  • No, as long as you don't have one of our CAD devices, we should, if the supplier has followed the approved protocols, not need to make any changes and you definitely don't need to re-register. We work off the MPxNs - because we know that meter detai…
  • As you would expect, in a highly regulated environment that is secured through certificates on devices, doing a move when you have our CAD is a multi step process -  1 - we need to remove the association of our display to your old meters, when we've…
  • @shazza1 Thank you for letting us know - if you'd like to participate in our case studies (first ones are live at we'd love to include yours. Please drop us an email to and we'll pick up from…
  • Good morning everyone, and a very Happy New Year to you all! Thank you for submitting your updates on what meters are working, and which aren't. I'll do a summary and send it over to DESNZ to ask for their support in getting suppliers to ensure that…
  • Good morning all - apologies - we posted the issue when we noticed it to but then I forgot to update here! All fixed by 1544, apologies for the inconvenience caused.
  • Hi @Matthew - we have no idea what the latest versions of firmware are - as we aren't tracking the details with the DCC. It is suppliers' responsibility to monitor and manage that part of the ecosystem. We've had firmware version in there for quite …
  • Hello @Freebo - thanks for your help - if you drop us an email to support@ we can look it up for you :)
  • Thanks @philporter - we'll get the list consolidated and over to the DCC for discussion with meter manufacturers as apparently the guidance in the Smart Energy Code is that instantaneous export should be published.
  • Hi @tank - always contact us directly for individual support issues as we don't have resource to monitor the forums regularly. We recommend not using batteries as your usual - they are designed for emergency use only. Glad that you are back to norma…
  • Hi @tmh88 - the "good" news is that you aren't the only British Gas customer who has been told that the firmware can't be updated, one even escalated to the regulator about this. We used some 'back channels' for the customer (we can't say …
  • Hi @SteveMilner - your meter stays in UTC and Bright presents the data in the timezone of the device which it has been installed on (so if you were abroad in a different timezone and your phone was set to that time, that is what you'd see time wise)…
  • Hi everyone, The issue is usually with your meters which aren't reporting - we are always happy to investigate, please email us at from your Bright account. Thank you. @CapnBob - please drop us a line to support - sometimes the…
  • A very belated reply to @marrold and @SJMac about adding things to the local mqtt data - unfortunately voltage and power factor aren't available on the HAN and therefore aren't things we can add to that feed. On the more positive news front, these a…
  • Hi everyone - thank you for participating. We've now told all six £1,000 winners and the 30 £50 winners that their money is waiting (if we haven't already paid you). Commendations to you all - as you'll remember, the threshold is 30% for selection b…
  • Hi all - I'm so sorry - I read your comments but didn't acknowledge them. We've shared this with the 'powers that be' - and as flexibility needs evolve I suspect that there will be different incentives to people like you with local storage capacity …
  • Hi Brodie / @bpeers, Could you drop an email to my attention to support@ - I can then see what firmware versions is on your electricity meter, not our device. FYI, the DCC only update the firmware on the Communications Hub - your energy supplier sen…
  • To reassure anyone who lands on this thread - @kaimgreen's meters were successfully connected to his new Glow Display CAD within two hours of his reporting the problem to support.
  • Hello @kaimgreen - thanks for following our guidance and contacting support. We've received your email and support are dealing with your ticket (sent three minutes before your post here). Can I ask why you didn't contact us within the 24 hours we su…
  • Good news everyone - we are getting traction with the powers that be and have made a suggestion that there needs to be an independent, trusted resource made available to give customers with smart meters accurate guidance on their suppliers obligatio…
  • @bpeers - there is a screen on Bright in the Settings area that should give you the firmware. Are you getting your instantaneous export or not?
  • @Seliaks - sorry for the delay - I'm not good at keeping up with the forum regularly. Presumably you are at the 21 days now - I believe that once you get to that your SmartHTC score is presented in the context of the equivalent bandings. As this isn…
  • We truly don't have time to keep up with all the Octopus tariffs, or anyone else's. Is Flux one that is loaded onto the meter? and do Octopus provide an API for it?
  • Hello @PostmanPat (love the handle!) and @Noddy1878 - the clue for Pat is that both IHDs are losing connections many times per day. That is local to you and could be your Communications Hub going down / not reporting. @Noddy1878 - this also sounds s…
  • Just dropping in to commend you all for your persistence - and @spiderbridge you are quite right - it is down to the way that something hasn't been set properly. I always feel rather sorry for the general customer service agents as they either don't…
  • Hello @Seliaks - the humidity sensor is not part of the HTC calculation but is a sensor we included in the device for other purposes. For example, in social housing it could be useful to distinguish between underlying damp versus other issues. Inter…
  • Hi @drcombes - we aren't actively doing anything - we run schedules against the DCC and rely on the DCC response. It could be a local meter issue and low response times on their part. As always, for individual questions, please contact support.
  • Thanks very much @Seliaks - as a matter of interest, here is some accuracy data on the sensor - we'll get all of the above into glowmarkt ASAP. Precision Relative Humidity Sensor ± 3% RH (max), 0–80% RH High Accuracy Temperature Sensor ±0.4 °C (max)…
  • Excellent! If you've any advice for fellow users - please let us know as well add it to the glowmarkt site guides, thank you.
  • Thanks @rodee13 - and sorry for delay in replying @ianm - we've been busy writing bids recently and hadn't picked up the forum thread! To confirm, the sensor data is in the local MQTT dataset and will also be in the APIs once they've been onboarded …