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- JaneAtGlow
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Ooops - sorry - posted before I meant to! Anyway - the question is - for those of you who have experienced this - what type of meters have you got and what is the firmware version? We are happy to go to the meter manufacturers to ask them why their…
Hi John - could you please email us at support@glowmarkt.com from your Bright account - sounds as though we need to give your device a 'nudge'. Thank you. Jane
Hi @wallport - a couple of customers have been building solutions to solve the csv issue - could you email me at support and then I've got your details for when the material is available, thank you!
Thanks for the update @kk_sonata - sorry to hear that it is such a saga. A few suppliers do this as a matter of course. Well done on keeping up the pressure - you have to be within your rights!
I'll leave answering your question to IT Ops - your question is above my pay grade ;)
Sounds as though the fix has done the trick for everyone. Next time, please do tell me via support first - thank you.
You are welcome - thanks for confirming all good.
Hi all - hope you enjoyed your weekend. Tech Support tell me they've made a tweak this morning - that seems to have worked for one of you - has it for everyone?
Hi all - as you know we don't have time to check the forums so thank you to @IanW for flagging this thread to me. We've had two of you report the issue to support - and several thousand of the units in the field so it definitely isn't affecting ever…
@michthom Lovely to make someone happy - and hopefully more than one of you :) Environmental sensors coming this autumn (temp, humidity, light) and integration with an algorithm that gives you an accurate EPC for your home in terms of its building f…
And @StgSlff - you are welcome - thank you for registering an account so you could say so :)
HI @PhilG57 - sorry for the delay as I haven't checked the forums for a while. Is your electricity meter L&G? From speaking to L&G and Igloo (when they were in business) we learnt there is a known bug on this meter which results in extremely…
11:19 : Normal service has been resumed and we believe that no data, including minute level, should have been lost. Drop a line to support@glowmarkt.com if you have an issue. Root cause was our CoLo facility performed a maintenance update overnight …
And please follow this on the new discussion started - have also given a link to the new Local MQTT instructions which you can use if you have our Display/CAD - firmware was updated ten days ago.
Hi there - so many discussions across the forums, I keep posting ;) Please have a look at the General discussion - we've just made an announcement and also talk about Local MQTT which might be helpful while we get the outage sorted out. Apologies fo…
Good morning all - we've just posted a new discussion in General - the team are investigating. The post has links to an article Josh wrote on Local MQTT which we now support for customers with our IHD/CAD if you want to tinker with that while we ge…
Thanks @colinrobbins - we had alerts earlier this morning and the team are on the case. Known outage now! We'll post an update when we have one.
Thanks for emailing us directly at support Eric - always the most reliable. In case others read this post - we've just realised today that for some Android issues the dark mode enhancement has meant you can't get out of dark mode which wasn't intent…
Thank you @sbb - we are sharing the positive feedback who did the actual dev work (unlike me !). If anyone writes any code they'd like to share, please let us know. We hope you all use this to consume energy as efficiently at possible - it is why we…
Good morning all, happy Friday! @Steven15 - no, there won't be any difference in local MQTT performance between the devices and they will publish the same information. @bertrumuk - we are looking at adding the gas cumulative reading, another piece …
Good morning @sOckhamSter - the price is probably going to be the same. We've had to do a short manufacturing run (meaning component costs were much higher and we built them internally so expensive labour) and the CAD Display was built before all t…
To clarify in case of confusion - the GlowStick that was asked about by @meroberts above is NOT the new unit which we will launch next month. That new unit (which we call our CAD without Display) is not the GlowStick form factor, will support local …
Hi Aaron - thanks for the point - I think it would be unusual for that to have happened as it has been tested. The rejoin process is not unusual for all sorts of local reasons - if a power cycle does not do the trick (and not the button on the front…
MQTT was a 'glint in the eye' when the GlowStick was designed and developed - I think our first requests for MQTT only came in two years ago. Please drop us an email to support@ - we don't have an upgrade path but can have a look depending on circum…
Thank you very much Robert - I shall be sending that link to a new customer right now. As a non-techie - but the person who gets the support questions - will all the existing HA code repositories I've got not work with local mqtt and I need to build…
Well done @ghayne - always the first to observe and be positive! Thanks for your ongoing support, we hope you like the local MQTT. Everyone, any suggestions for FAQ etc. please post here - we'll add some FAQ to the web site to support the local MQTT…
Hi there, Nearly there - just need to find the time to finish off a few things in between all the other activities underway. Thanks for the ongoing enthusiasm!
Hi jkt - there were no known problems, a few niggly issues (not sure when a niggly issue becomes a problem!) and an individual user with issues with either their own meters or local connection. As usual, please contact support@ - thank you!
Hi all - we are aware of a few niggly issues and the team are investigating.
Hi @DMoore - I've not got support tickets in and think it may be down to something local?