Wifi to Bright issue
Hi Everyone,
I've just gotten my IHD in the last few days and have it all setup and working in HomeAssistant great using both https://github.com/HandyHat/ha-hildebrandglow-dcc and https://github.com/unlobito/ha-hildebrandglow integrations and recording the data into influx to then push into charts in Graphana. All was working great and then my device at 20:01 pm yesterday stopped recieving data from it?
It was working fine until then and the WiFi appears to be connected but on the app I get the error attached
The device is still receiving a ping with no issues and the device seems to believe its connected but the Bright App is as per the images "Glow Display SMETS 2 does not have Internet" nothing has changed on the network and I haven't just added a firewall or anything :-/
I have the same issue here. It seems there a few people having issues across threads on this forum. No word from Glowmarkt, you're best off putting in a support request.
I'm having the same problem/a status message saying no data is being received. It started on mine around 8pm also. Will log a request if I don't see anything from Glowmarkt in the next hour or so.
Yes I’m currently having same issue/ message in Bright App this morning 29 Mar 2022 at 10.20am :
’Glow Display SMETS 2 does not have internet’
Hope they fix it soon !
Been having the same problem since 19:01 last night. I'm sure that they'll sort it shortly.
Edit: They are working on it - https://forum.glowmarkt.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/697#Comment_697