Bright redesign coming - any requests?

Hello everyone - hope you are enjoying your weekend!

As it is now around six years since we launched the UK's first energy monitoring App, it is time to give it an overhaul.

We've a list of suggestions for improvements we could make based on emails you've sent us over the years - but thought we'd also ask on our forum if there are ideas you'd like to put forward for us to consider.

Export might not be included at launch but as we've now (a year after ordering it) got a lot more capacity in our DCC connection, hopefully export support is getting closer.

Please post your thoughts here.


  • Hi - can you show export please!!

    I have solar panels and would like to see my export readings ; current app shows my import and often on good days I can see a flat line of zero import.

    Seeing the export data of what I am pushing out would be great - or even just being able to see the export data.

    Cheers M.

  • Thank you @EJMD - we have it high on our list! We had a full solar product ten years ago (clamp based with generation, the Shine App) - and have now got a lot of the backend functionality in place to support solar. Can you work with APIs and code? we are publishing export for a lot of people in that channel.

  • Can you correct the cost figures on the home tab. They appear to calculate usage based on GMT, while my tariff is based on time of day (currently BST).

    Because I am on an EV tariff that starts at 0:00, the home page massively overstates my costs, because the first hour is calculated at daytime rate, rather than the much lower EV rate.

    The Electricity tab shows the correct value.

  • Good morning - this is a known issue that we have a fix for and it won't require an update to Bright - just the backend.

    The issue is ONLY on the home screen - if you go to the detailed cost screen the calculated costs are correct.

    Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

  • Hi Jane,

    Great to hear there will be some improvements.

    -YOY analysis please. Currently when you click on Month you see usage by month across the year but when you click on comparison there is no means to compare year on year on a monthly basis - you just see monthly comparison by day for the last few months. I know you can toggle back to the previous year and seeing monthly data when not in the comparison mode but it would be good to compare side by side.

    -Also on the website version the font of eh axis are too small.

    -The time GMT / BST mentioned above is important too but I've not checked it for a while so don't know if that has now showing the fix.

    -having the ability to choose bar or line charts

    -having the ability to choose which days, weeks or month to plot on the chart based on a list on the side, like a filter list would be great

    -some sort of means to help you understand if you are below consumption compared to last year or using more on a YTD or month run rate sort of measure

    -Ability to have multiple accounts / homes. Currently I have to use the app for one account and the web for the other.

    Hope that helps would be great to understand timings and happy to help in beta testing



  • Hi Jane,

    Would it be possible to add the cumulative meter reading data? (I.e. The same total kWh reading that you see on the physical meter, and which is used for start of month and end of month billing).

  • Ability to add an export rate please.

  • Hello

    Just seen the new update. The ability to manually add a value for export tariff would be useful.

    Note it just spins when on the cost option for export under the new app update which is slightly annoying.

  • With regard to the display, the sizing of the text in the green popup is now too small, making it difficult to read. A return to the previous size would be welcome here. This using both an iPad mini and an iPhone.

  • Hello everyone - sorry for not replying sooner to the helpful list of ideas that you've submitted - much appreciated and thank you for taking the time to record your suggestions. To reply to everyone individually:

    @EJMD: Export is now live! downloadable ability coming soon.

    @aaupatel - 1) we've added Year on Year comparison to the items on the roadmap. 2) website version is not supported but available for those who don't have access to Apps - good point to check with the redesign that we make sure font sizes are legible. 3) ability to choose bar or line charts - interesting, never been asked that so it might be low on the list! 4) -having the ability to choose which days, weeks or month to plot on the chart based on a list on the side, like a filter list would be great - doesn't the list of scale options suffice? 5) -some sort of means to help you understand if you are below consumption compared to last year or using more on a YTD or month run rate sort of measure - basically same as your request 1 which we've added. 6) -Ability to have multiple accounts / homes. Currently I have to use the app for one account and the web for the other. - we already support this - go to Settings / consent & property management and tap the + on the right in Bright, or add a property from Glowmarkt. We've always supported multi-site :) Thanks for offering to help with testing in future - we keep a list of people who we very occasionally ask - could you mail us at and we can add you.

    @Miles_B: We can't add cumulative meter readings as that isn't a service request we are allowed to make of the meter in our DCC Other User role - hence us not offering it.

    @grmac: Adding export tariff on the value for export tariff is on the list - having it just spin on the cost option for export is a bug! Thanks for letting us know.

    @robin : Is the sizing smaller than it used to be? Sounds as though it is - could you confirm?

    Thanks all and have a good weekend!

  • Hi @JaneAtGlow

    Thanks for your replies....

    re my point: 4) -having the ability to choose which days, weeks or month to plot on the chart based on a list on the side, like a filter list would be great - doesn't the list of scale options suffice?

    To explain this point a little more. There are times I want to see more granular detail for a wider time frame.  eg in the app when you click on 'day' you see the consumption for the week. There is no way to see 4 weeks on a daily basis for example. So it makes it hard to compare daily consumption on a monthly basis on a linear scale. I agree you have the comparison view but this compares on a vs basis, ir it's not in a linear scale which is sometime what you want to see or else you get too many lines appearing on the chart for it to make any senses. Consumption of energy is a linear thing - if you heat up your house more on one day the following day you may not require so much energy and so you need the ability to view consumption on a long linear axis and not just Monday this week vs monday last week (you need both options)

    Another observation.... the scale is auto sizing on the y axis of teh charts so when you flick between weeks the scale changes. We can combat this issue by simply allowing more than one weeks worth of data to be shown on the day filter (non comparison mode). Likewise, when on the week filter it will only show one month's worth. It would be nice to be able to see eg. 6 months worth or what ever I choose.

    Hope that helps



  • Hi Jane, yes it’s smaller than it previously was. By how much I can’t say but it’s gone from easily readable to just about readable to my 76 year old eyes!

  • Agree with Robin - the numbers / overall font size on both the app and the website need to be increased.

  • Yes, I'm afraid the text in the pop ups on the graph is now too small for me to read! All the other text is fine and hasn't changed.

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