MQTT Issues

I have previously been in touch with support to have MQTT enabled for my account, but have yet to successfully see any messages from my CAD. Similar to this thread, I'm just seeing no data on MQTT:

This shows my problem:

mosquitto_sub -h -u myuser -P mypass -t SMART/DCAD/BCDDC2C6A780 -p 1883 --debug

This outputs:

Client mosq-gVLjNmEWCVr8ABnYlQ sending CONNECT

Client mosq-gVLjNmEWCVr8ABnYlQ received CONNACK (0)

Client mosq-gVLjNmEWCVr8ABnYlQ sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: SMART/DCAD/BCDDC2C6A780,

QoS: 0, Options: 0x00)

Client mosq-gVLjNmEWCVr8ABnYlQ received SUBACK

Subscribed (mid: 1): 0

Client mosq-gVLjNmEWCVr8ABnYlQ sending PINGREQ

Client mosq-gVLjNmEWCVr8ABnYlQ received PINGRESP

Client mosq-gVLjNmEWCVr8ABnYlQ sending PINGREQ

Client mosq-gVLjNmEWCVr8ABnYlQ received PINGRESP

I see similar results when using the topic SMART/HILD/BCDDC2C6A780.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong? I've been told support cant help me.




  • What happens if you change the topic from SMART/DCAD/BCDDC2C6A780  to SMART/+/BCDDC2C6A780 (using the MQTT topic wild card support)? 

  • Your IHD is losing connection with your meter due to range - signal strength is very low.

    Please move your IHD closer to the electricity meter and try again

    I have just rebooted it and it has rejoined but It will lose connectivity again.

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