Possible server outage ?

My meter reading Python scripts stopped working at 03:30 today.

On attempting to check the Bright app, I'm unable to connect to it via my mobile or my PC


  • All working again at 9:15am

  • Update from support :-

    We had a firewall issue between 0413 and 0900 this morning that has since been resolved. Apologies for the inconvenience but be assured all is now working as expected.

    Kind regards,

    Amity Wilson

  • I do not know if this is related by my Glow IHD failed this morning, came back and as of now has failed again, same with Bright app.

  • My Bright app still seems to be working.

  • Bright App down again with no data.

    The CAD is still working and sending MQTT data to home assistant for both power and gas.

  • Both versions of Bright app are displaying the current consumption/export position from the 'Home' tab but 'Electricity' tab is unresponsive.

    My set of Python scripts to log meter readings working quite normally.

  • edited January 2024

    I'd noticed some 'holes' in the Bright App's usage graph data over the last couple of days, but I now have no data at all.

    Have power-cycled the IHD/CAD a few times, but no change.

    The Bright App (both iOS and MacOS installations) are unable to show anything at all currently, no historical usage data (Electricity Tab) nor current (Home Tab)

    Looks like there's simply no connection to the Bright App backend :-(

  • Seems to be back to normal now

  • All working again here too. Thanks to Jane and team at Glow.

  • My Electricity Tab data appears to have caught up a lot, bar completely missing data from 2024-01-12 0351 thru 2024-01-12 0920, but has now stopped again as of 2024-01-13 1403

    The Home tab of the app (on both iOS and MacOS apps) is also reporting "Last seen: Jan 13, 2024, 2:04:31 PM" for my IHD/CAD

  • As of this moment, it's back everywhere 😎🎉

  • Not sure if this is the latest of similar pages but I couldn't find a later one.

    My Python script hasn’t produced any half-hourly readings since 16:30 BST today (Wed 7/8/24)

     I’ve tried running just the collection module but that just freezes after launch.

     IHD seems to be working OK

     Have reported to 'Support'

  • Def not the latest such page - I've found emails from June this year

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