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- JaneAtGlow
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Hahahaha - you can see how rubbish my memory is - although I let myself off as there are thousands of you using our services :) Hopefully you can at least feel impressed that we do listen to you all, and share your recommendations. Happy travels.
Good morning all, Thanks for the feedback - as always, much appreciated. @KS_Eric - Good point about the error messages and we do always try and improve them - we are putting out a new release of Bright in the next few weeks and will review the tri…
You are all very welcome. Now the clever people are working out what we do to ensure that those who write aggressive API calls in future are better 'managed' - in the nicest possible way, of course! ;) Clive says the queues are back down to normal …
Hi all, Performance has returned to normal; people with our CAD will see that the data catch up may take a little while yet. Thank you all for your support which we appreciate. Jane
Thank you @HandyHat for the update and amending your code. FYI, we've a new issue - and running status updates at https://forum.glowmarkt.com/index.php?p=/discussion/comment/697#Comment_697
Sorry for taking a while to give it - delicate balancing act between the team identifying the root cause and then being able to get to work on a fix, and me pestering them for language to send you all an update :)
UPDATE: Normal service restored. Overnight there were no issues so anyone who had a problem then, it was local. Grovelling apologies from the Ops team - a little earlier this morning they inadvertently created a duplicate IP address that was quickl…
Hi all - thanks for letting us know - the Ops team are investigating and I can hear discussions underway.
Hello @hunnymonster - as always, unless it is a systemic issue (which it is not) - we ask that you please contact support@glowmarkt.com and email us from your Bright account so that we can investigate. Thank you.
Hi @kk_sonata, Sorry to hear that SP aren't making this easy - I think we've had another SP customer have success with their request. I also believe that energy suppliers are obliged to keep firmware up to date. Did you ask for the Smart Meter Tech…
Good morning - got to the forum before your emails :)
Hi @danielsmith89, I've been doing support tickets for the last two hours across multiple customers and haven't had any issues - suspect it might be "just you". By the way - please don't interpret support tickets as problems for lots of pe…
Hi @cancunia, The experts are asking what you'd like to do with it - and are you using our DCC only data service or more frequent with our CAD. FYI, we will be adding to the avg & sum apparently. And thank you very much for your kind words about…
Hi @sOckhamSter - we currently aren't storing the data in our systems and while it is being published if you are using MQTT, I didn't think it was supported in our APIs - but I could be wrong! The intention is to also then include the export informa…
Cool - we'll deal with it there; it would be very unusual for us not to be able to sort it out. But hopefully I've not just shot myself in the foot saying that! ;)
Hi all - nothing was 'broken' - it was just that the more frequent refresh of HH data which we started offering last year was unavailable for a few days last week - but overnight capture of the previous day's HH profile reads was working fine. The m…
Hi @cancunia - have you seen this repository of further information on our APIs : Repository URL - https://bitbucket.org/ijosh/brightglowmarkt/src/master/ That has a video and links to further documentation - there are a lot more functions allowed b…
Good morning all, @martinb - could you please contact support so we can see where and why you are having "many outages" over the last year because the only one we have record of is the catastrophic firewall issue at the start of the month…
Good morning @danielsmith89 - I've checked and you were the only person affected (or certainly the only one who has reported an issue either here or via support@) - it appears local to you. Please contact support@ and we can investigate why either y…
For the record - the issues is with the version of firmware on the Honeywell meters. We are seeing it less frequently now as suppliers are obliged to keep meter firmware up to date. This is what we advise customers who have Honeywell meters and aren…
Hi @cancunia - apologies for the delay in replying - we've been busy recently. You are very welcome on the APIs - and well done on developing your own visualisations. You have done what we hoped for by opening up the data access - as a business we a…
UPDATE Hi all - hope you are keeping safe - the wind is quite terrifying (watching a huge crane swaying a LOT). Sorry for the hiccough in our more frequent refreshing of the HH data - that started on Wednesday morning - normal service has now resume…
@deskyeti - could you please email support? That is unique to you if you can't login, thank you.
Good morning everyone - to reassure you, things aren't 'broken'. As you know, I believe, we are the only service to offer the more frequent DCC HH data refresh. It looks as though that isn't working as expected at the moment and when the team are at…
@KS_Eric It sounds as though your stick stayed connected which is the key objective. As Clive said earlier - do raise individual support tickets for any issues. Bright is not optimised for use on a PC so it won't always behave as expected - we offer…
Thank you very much @si458 - I think you have just officially been designated Clive's Gold Star for the day. That would be super useful - we hadn't quite appreciated just how many people were using that community plugin and the frequency at which it…
UPDATE from the Glow team Because some users without our CAD are calling the API much too frequently (it should be once per half hour) we have had to alter the way the call is dealt with and reject the excess traffic. Most on this forum have our CAD…
Hi @Davecl - do you have our hardware? If you do - please drop an email to support as that is an issue. If you don't, as I said earlier "For people who don't have our CAD and are using Bright or any libraries that rely on the 30 minute updates …
Update: Clive is making MQTT updates in the new discussion - https://forum.glowmarkt.com/index.php?p=/discussion/132/sunday-6th-update#latest
Update: Clive is making MQTT updates in the new discussion - https://forum.glowmarkt.com/index.php?p=/discussion/132/sunday-6th-update#latest