API virtualentity returns 400 Bad Request

edited March 21 in API Info

Hi - newbie here, following the "Extracting Data from API in 5 Easy Steps" blog...

Using "Postmaster", I've had no problem with https://api.glowmarkt.com/api/v0-1/auth to get my token

But when I enter the token into https://api.glowmarkt.com/api/v0-1/virtualentity I just get "400 Bad request"


    "error": "bad request",

    "message": "bad request"


I've tried everything - things which I guess shouldn't make a difference like changing the order of parameters; moving from input parameters to the raw: body. Submitting without parameters also, so I'm obviously missing something.

Any suggestions greatfully received, thanks Geoff

<edit> - started investigating Glowmarkt's Swagger UI and I do seem to get some response via this method

for instance using https://api.glowmarkt.com/api/v0-1/resource via "Postmaster" I get 400 bad Request, but authorising and submitting via Swagger I do get the expected response </edit>

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