Glowstick router connection

My Glowstick has been fine for several years. I’ve recently added a TP-link WiFi access point to improve WiFi access around the house. The Glowstick now refuses to connect directly to my router and will only connect to the new access point! It’s really strange, the ap has the same WiFi credentials as the router and other devices can successfully connect to either device. It’s no problem really just confusing as to why the Glowstick will not connect to the router (I use MAC filtering to choose Glowstick WiFi access). Any ideas!


  • Ok, now even more confused! Glowstick has now decided that connecting to my router is ok (did it all on its own). Enabled the MAC filter on the ap and Glowstick stayed connected…… I’ve no idea!!! Please forget that I asked the question.

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