No data in app after ~1 week
in Bright App
Is there a way I can see the status update for my app data? I signed up ~1 week ago, and the app still states "it can take up to 24 hours" which isn't too useful?
Has been like that for weeks unfortunately , ive moved over to loop
I have this question after 25 hours! Hopefully it starts to work soon.
Similarly, I have data from a day before signing up (3 days ago) and new data is coming in a timely manner but NO historical data is coming in. Loop and Hugo both got 13 months of data within a day from the same meters. Anything to be done about this or just wait? Another Bright account I manage for an elderly family member took about a month to DL 9 months of historical data at about a week a day. Still very slow and pretty uncompetitive compared to other apps.
Hi everyone,
The issue is usually with your meters which aren't reporting - we are always happy to investigate, please email us at from your Bright account. Thank you.
@CapnBob - please drop us a line to support - sometimes the backfill doesn't start populating automatically and we need to re-trigger. Sorry to hear that we are "very slow and pretty uncompetitive" compared to other apps - when you mail, do let us know what you'd like to see in a future release. Thanks.