MQTT Documentation

First post here:

Is there any documentation available for the MQTT interface?


  • After inspecting my OVO MQTT data I have written a node red function node to extract the relevant data.

    If you set your MQTT in node to output a parsed JSON object, connect it to this function node and connect a debug node set to display the complete message object to the output of this node you should see the appropriate values in the debug window.

    I am not sure if the MQTT data is different across suppliers, maybe one of the admins can answer this?

    [{"id":"9b7d3c88.76a5","type":"function","z":"2fd6948b.c89eac","name":"OVO MQTT Values","func":"msg.Wh_now = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"04\"][\"00\"], 16);\nmsg.Wh_today = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"04\"][\"01\"], 16);\nmsg.Wh_this_week = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"04\"][\"02\"], 16);\nmsg.Wh_this_month = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"04\"][\"03\"], 16);\nmsg.Wh_meter_total = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"00\"][\"00\"], 16)\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":330,"y":460,"wires":[["7cad2b80.4c7e44","19c3f815.b80f98"]]}]

  • Edited to reflect the firmware changes in 1.5.2

    0402 corrected to 0430 (current week consumption delivered),

    0403 corrected to 0440 (current month consumption delivered).

    [{"id":"9b7d3c88.76a5","type":"function","z":"2fd6948b.c89eac","name":"OVO MQTT Values","func":"msg.Wh_now = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"04\"][\"00\"], 16);\nmsg.Wh_today = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"04\"][\"01\"], 16);\nmsg.Wh_this_week = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"04\"][\"30\"], 16);\nmsg.Wh_this_month = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"04\"][\"40\"], 16);\nmsg.Wh_meter_total = parseInt(msg.payload.elecMtr[\"0702\"][\"00\"][\"00\"], 16)\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":330,"y":460,"wires":[["7cad2b80.4c7e44","19c3f815.b80f98"]]}]

  • "I am not sure if the MQTT data is different across suppliers, maybe one of the admins can answer this?"

    The supplier does not affect things - but other things can change like the reporting units for Gas (eg) may be M^3 or kWh - which thus affects your calculation of consumption.

    In the case of SMEST2 via the DCC at the moment all gas is in M^3 in the json you receive via mqtt.

    Internally we convert to kWh based on your gas distribution area's calorific conversion value which can (and often does) change on a daily basis, so what you receive over the api is kWh.

  • edited December 2020

    I use NODE:RED to connect to the Hildebrand MQTT service. It works well enough, but I see an outage every night demo about 01:30 for about 4 hours. Over Christmas day there was an outage and today an outage that is still there from 01:30 (isa) on 28/12/20.

    Is anyone else seeing MQTT outages? (note the "normal" API is ok).

    URL is:

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