[MQQT] Not getting data


I just got my display yesterday (with MQTT support enabled) but for the life of me I can't get data...

I searched this forum but I couldn't find a solution anywhere, but maybe is because I am doing something wrong

If I do

mosquitto_sub -p 8883 -h glowmqtt.energyhive.com -u "mail@gmail.com" -P "c00lP455w0rd" -t "SMART/HILD/UPPERCASEMACWITHOUTCOLONS" --debug

It connects, but without getting data:

Client null sending CONNECT

Client null received CONNACK (0)

Client null sending SUBSCRIBE (Mid: 1, Topic: SMART/HILD/4C11AEAE16B4, QoS: 0, Options: 0x00)

Client null received SUBACK

Subscribed (mid: 1): 0

Client null sending PINGREQ

Client null received PINGRESP

Client null sending PINGREQ

Client null received PINGRESP

I tried with SSL, but I always get a `Error: A TLS error occurred.`

What I am doing wrong? It's the topic? The certs? is there any doc about MQQT around?



  • I didn't have MQTT support enabled! (even though I asked for it when I bought the Glow device)

    In any case, it's all working now, thanks Jane!

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